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The faces behind Bjol™... Our family is everything and our children are truly the inspiration behind BJOL ecostore™  


B- our amazing middle boy for whom we created our eco-wash bars. Being on the spectrum, he enjoys having his own things that do not belong to anyone else. In a large family that can be challenging. He sees the world in a truly beautiful light. He is genuinely kind hearted child, whom only wants the best for everyone. He loves the color Turquoise and loves having his world be unscented. So he is the inspiration around our rainbow of colors for our eco-wash bars. 


J- our youngest boy, sees the world through discerning eyes. He wants everyone to feel comfortable and is truly the epitome of kindness. He enjoys being relaxed and spending time with his family. He is the inspiration behind our essential oil blends.  


O - he is our oldest and the most inquisitive child. As a college student with a bio chem major, he spends most of his days in the lab, studying blood-borne viruses and diseases. He has grown to love what nature has given us and so he was the inspiration behind our end of life recycling and to find partners that believe in sustainability. 


L - our amazing girl, she loves friendships and gifting to others. She runs the roost for sure, so because of her natural leadership is why we have an affiliate program. She believes in justice and will someday be an amazing independent women and that is why we love having the opportunity for folks to find their joy and center through their work as an ambassador with BJOL ecostore.



Supporting Community

Rainbow of Colors

We love color! And colors of the rainbow has a true and special meaning in our family. We are all inclusive and allies to the LBGQT+ community. 

So in honor of the LBGTQ+ community our bars are offered in a rainbow of colors. 



From our biodegradable packing to finding partners that believe in zero waste and sustainability for the good of our planet, we are proud to offer products that love the earth as much as we do. 




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